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The Park Avenue Solutions Blog

1 min read

What's worse than death by PowerPoint?

May 12, 2022 5:12:23 PM

What's worse than death by PowerPoint? Working outside of the software/technology your organization uses. I know there are multiple reasons: "It's too slow"; "I haven't learned it"; "It doesn't do what I need it to do".

You can’t be efficient if you’re managing your organization with emails and spreadsheets.

It's all about combining your People + Process + Technology.

Streamlining your processes requires identifying waste and then working to reduce or eliminate it. Lean Principles offer you the tools to do that practically, quickly, easily, and consistently.



Leigh Ann Schildmeier
Written by Leigh Ann Schildmeier

Leigh Ann Schildmeier specializes in implementing continuous improvement and risk mitigation strategies that help clients increase efficiency, improve quality and service, and increase profits. A frequent speaker and coach on process improvement topics, she is a certified Lean Practitioner, a Six Sigma Black Belt, and a Kata Coach with more than 20 years of experience across a range of industries, including healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. Leigh Ann is the founder and president of Park Avenue Solutions, a business process improvement consulting firm that works to empower excellence in businesses and teams.



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